Criteria for managing
your visual identity

First in a series by Dana and John Dixon,
copyright Dixon Design


Gaining full benefit from an identity program cannot simply rely on affixing a logomark on every document. Instead, each point of contact is an opportunity to reinforce a memorable image. This can be achieved through the development of flexible formats within a consistent visual style, providing a meaningful context in which the logomark can best perform. Creating a workable balance of consistency and flexibility offers optimum effectiveness.

Your transition to an enhanced visual identity is most productive when graphic design consultants work toward a solution with your active involvement, using the following criteria to evaluate creative ideas.

To effectively represent your organization, your visual identity program:

Should be unique and memorable.
It must be based on your distinctive service or product, capabilities, philosophy, and community orientation.

Should be on target.
It should be appropriate for your primary service area. It must effectively focus perceptions for your defined markets and the diverse constituencies vital to your success.

Should clearly communicate.
It must project the business impression you seek with adequate impact and without unnecessary visual clutter.

Should be technically legible.
It must perform within a full range of sizes and for different viewing distances, and consider the parameters and tolerances of various production requirements and electronic formats.

Should be cost effective.
It must be designed with specifications that consider realistic budgets, and yet do not compromise the fundamental goals of a sound, professional image.

Should be consistently presented.
It must be a system that builds image equity through continuity in application, thereby reinforcing name recognition and a positive identity.

Should be comprehensive and manageable.
It must be flexible enough to allow for ease of application and address a variety of potential situations without sacrificing the critical aspect of image consistency.

Should be thoughtful and graphically refined.
It must derive from your strategic objectives by a professional design process that has your confidence, commitment, and active participation.

Establishing an Effective Image: Visual Identity Management



Graphic design for commerce, communities, and corporate image
Guidelines for
Excellence in
Graphic Design
Dixon Design
Danville, Kentucky

Visual Marketing
Communication Design
Identity Development
Corporate Graphics
Fine and Applied Art